
As an Integrative Transpersonal Counsellor I draw together different approaches whilst offering therapy with soul - looking beyond the immediate problem, or symptom to work in ways that honour each client's deeper journey.

Therapy will mean different things to different people based on their life-experience and what they begin to discover from the relationship that forms (over time) with their therapist.

Undoubtedly there will be differences between us and I aim to be inclusively open and curious to considering the many intersectional aspects of identity which impact our experiences of life and each other - including but not limited to gender, race, class, and body.

For me therapy has meant a chance to revisit old stories and beliefs whilst gaining fresh insights and understandings which have enabled me to slowly change my relationship to myself - this in turn has gradually changed the world around me and all of my relationships within it.

I work with clients both in-person and on-line.

I will be led by you and what you bring to our sessions with a commitment to my own self-examination through supervision as a means of understanding what might also be happening between us that is not immediately apparent.

Usually I will suggest working in an open-ended way, which means there is no set end point but we can periodically review how the therapy is going: generally speaking, therapy is not a quick process, as often the issues we bring have been developed over many years and may be linked to early childhood experiences.

I have a particular interest in working with shame, grief and family trauma.

Alongside seeing clients in my private practice I also work with people affected by cancer at The Mulberry Centre, West Middlesex Hospital.

Our first session

We can meet initially on-line to talk a little about why you're seeking therapy, what you might hope for and to give you a sense of how it might be to work with me. There would be no charge for this session and no obligation to continue.

If we decide to go ahead, then typically it would be for 50 minute weekly sessions on the same day and at the same time each week.

What I can help with

  • Addiction, self-harm and eating disorders

  • Anxiety, depression and trauma

  • Coaching

  • Health related issues

  • Identity, culture and spirituality

  • Relationships, family and children

  • Stress and work


Sessions cost £65 for 50 minute sessions. Concessionary fees are available, please ask for details.

An initial meeting over Zoom is available at no charge.